Mobilization in Seyne les Alpes while the day reception of the health establishment would be threatened

Mobilization in Seyne les Alpes while the day reception of the health establishment would be threatened
Mobilization in Seyne les Alpes while the day reception of the health establishment would be threatened

HEALTH / A day center intended for the elderly, but which has an occupancy rate of only 30%. The ARS would threaten him, which the Regional Health Agency contradicts. For its part, the CGT Santé organizes a mobilization and a strike

– Alpes de Haute-Provence –

Discontent is rising in Seyne les Alpes as the Regional Health Agency wants to close the day center of the Public Health Establishment. Union, staff and families will mobilize this Monday in front of the doors of the establishment. A structure intended for elderly people and which therefore offers day care.

It allows elderly people to stay in their home as long as possible while having support, but also for caregivers to be supported. Except that the filling rate would no longer be sufficient, 30% according to the ARS. Not enough “ rentable », a word that the CGT Santé hates in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, especially when we talk about health. Cédric Volait.

“We are not here to talk about profitability or occupancy rates because it is an essential service to the population. The ARS makes an authoritarian decision. You should not play Monopoly with the 04”, Cédric Volait, representative of CGT Santé 04



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