“The democratic forces must agree to prevent the RN from obtaining a majority”

“The democratic forces must agree to prevent the RN from obtaining a majority”
“The democratic forces must agree to prevent the RN from obtaining a majority”

Ssocial, taxation, energy, security, justice, education… We have defended, we are defending and we will defend tomorrow opposing policies in many areas. Some of us have supported Emmanuel Macron since 2017, while others have fought him since day one. Faced with the deadline of July 7, it nevertheless seems essential to us to contribute together to avoiding the democratic, economic, social and ecological catastrophe that the coming to power of the extreme right would constitute.

The facelift carried out in recent years by the National Rally (RN) should not deceive anyone: the far right remains what it has always been, a decided enemy of democracy and a propagator of hatred. His victory would imply the weakening of support for Ukraine, the stopping of the ecological transition, the stifling of public freedoms, the institutionalization of racism and xenophobia, the paralysis of European construction, the calling into question of rights of women and the outbreak of a major economic and financial crisis…

Overcoming resentments

We often hear that, faced with the exercise of power, the far right would demonstrate its incapacity to manage the country and that it would therefore weaken itself. She would certainly encounter great difficulties in view of her demagogic program, but we warn against this dangerous illusion. As many examples have shown, in the past but also today in Hungary with Viktor Orban or in Russia with Vladimir Putin, the far right excels at changing the rules of the game, eliminating counter-powers and anesthetize public debate. We know when she comes to power, but we never know when and how she will leave it.

Also read the interview | Article reserved for our subscribers For Laurent Berger, “the first emergency is to avoid the RN”, not to know who will go to Matignon

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Despite the deep differences that exist between the democratic forces, it therefore seems essential to us that they come to an agreement to prevent the National Rally from obtaining a majority in the National Assembly on July 7. This implies avoiding triangulars in the second round by removing the less well placed candidate and actively supporting everywhere the candidate of the democratic forces remaining against the National Rally. To accelerate citizen mobilization against the RN, this choice should be clearly displayed now, without waiting for June 30, by the leaders of all democratic forces, whether they belong to the New Popular Front, the outgoing majority or the right. Republican.

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