Commodity prices under scrutiny

Commodity prices under scrutiny
Commodity prices under scrutiny


Senegal is preparing for a significant drop in the prices of everyday consumer products. The government, in response to complaints about the high cost of living, announced that this measure would be effective from June 24, 2024. The products affected include rice, oil, and bread, essential foodstuffs for the majority Population.

This initiative is seen as a breath of fresh air for many households.

Momar Ndao: “permanent control is essential”

Momar Ndao, president of the Consumers’ Association (Ascosen), expressed his support for this measure, while emphasizing the importance of rigorous control. According to him, previous price reduction announcements, such as that of November 2022, were not adequately followed up, and led to a rapid return of high prices. “For this time to be different, control must be permanent,” he insisted. Ndao proposes a broader and inclusive approach, which involves defense and security forces, as well as consumer volunteers, to ensure effective monitoring.

The government’s concrete measures

The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Serigne Guèye Diop, detailed the measures that will be put in place to guarantee compliance with the new prices. The price of a baguette will be set at 150 francs, a liter of oil at 1000 francs, and a kilogram of crystallized sugar at 600 francs. To ensure that these prices are applied everywhere, reinforced controls will be carried out. The minister also promised active involvement of importers, traders, and consumer associations in this process.

Collaboration for effective monitoring

For Momar Ndao, one of the keys to the success of this initiative lies in the collaboration between the different entities. “We also asked for the extension of control to other defense and security forces: police, gendarmerie, national health service,” he said. This holistic approach should make it possible to compensate for the lack of dedicated staff at the Ministry of Commerce, estimated at less than 300 people, by mobilizing additional resources.

Also read: Senegal and homosexuality: a complex and constantly evolving situation

A sustainable approach for a sovereign economy

The government is not content with temporary measures. It also provides for structural actions to strengthen the economy and guarantee long-term food sovereignty. This includes the modernization of distribution and the creation of reference stores throughout the country. Serigne Guèye Diop also mentioned the establishment of a more efficient procurement policy, with tender procedures to select competent distributors.

The role of community actors

The minister also stressed the importance of community participation in this process. Community relays, such as “badienou gokh” (neighborhood godmothers) and neighborhood chiefs, will play an important role in citizen control. This community involvement aims to create an environment where prices are closely monitored and violations are promptly reported.



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