The wedding procession runs red lights and insults the mayor at the ceremony: deposit withheld

The wedding procession runs red lights and insults the mayor at the ceremony: deposit withheld
The wedding procession runs red lights and insults the mayor at the ceremony: deposit withheld

For several years, town halls have been implementing stricter rules for weddings. Because too many of them degenerate and cause disturbances to public order. Some are even canceled at the last moment if the procession does not respect the charter of good conduct.

To prevent these incidents from happening, town halls hit where it hurts: in the wallet. Thus, the future bride and groom must pay a deposit which will be returned to them only if everything took place happily but above all calmly.

“Skid in the middle of the road”

This was obviously not the case on Saturday June 22 in Reims (Marne), as reported by our colleagues from the Union. The wedding party started out with dangerous driving before things got worse.

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“They ran all the red lights on quads, motorcycles, very large cars”, specifies the mayor, Arnaud Robinet. Other offenses were subsequently noted: “Driving in the wrong direction, skidding in the middle of the road…”

The procession even had the luxury of blocking traffic in the city. Once at the town hall, the situation did not improve. The mayor tried to calm everyone down but was insulted, and a community agent was the victim of sexual insults.

€700 withheld

Now it remains to crack down. As Arnaud Robinet announced on Facebook, the bride and groom will not recover their deposit of €700. The authorities must now precisely identify the troublemakers.

Thanks to the City’s video surveillance, put in place in particular to prevent processions from degenerating during weddings, the perpetrators of the rodeo should easily be identified.

A charter that nevertheless proves itself

If the situation degenerated last weekend, this does not really reflect the results of the charter put in place by the town hall in June 2022 which recalls “the essential rules of security, civility and public tranquility”.

A year after the launch of the latter, the mayor was pleased to note “a consequent reduction in acts of obvious incivility”. Unfortunately, some people always forget to be civil.

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