When ALM Évreux anticipates its draft: “The club should return to the path of Pro B”

While communication really hasn’t been ALM Évreux’s strong point in recent times, the Norman club was quick to draw the line this time. Barely two hours after the announcement of the disappearance of Metropolitans 92, the Amicale Laïque de la Madeleine published a message on its social networks.

Without even waiting for the news to be made official, the leaders informed “the supporters, partners and lovers of the club” that the ALM Évreux Basket Eure “should return to Pro B” thanks to a draft following the hara-kiri of the Metropolitans 92. A strange press release, without the institutional prudence that such a situation should require. Especially since L’Équipe specifies that the Mets still legally have the possibility, albeit small, of going before the FFBB Appeals Chamber, in the event of an improbable turnaround in the situation. Official confirmation of the rescue of ALM Évreux, 17th in Pro B, should come on Tuesday, with the announcement of the composition of the championships.

What squad in Pro B for ALM Évreux?

For the moment, ALM Évreux has four players under contract: the local boy, Dorian Angloma, signed for three years, as well as the trio Paul Rigot – Adin Vrabac – Bangaly Fofana. Yet the Bosnian interior is far from safe to continue. Terribly disappointing (from 12.9 to 5.2 evaluation), the former Partizan Belgrade no longer fits into Norman’s plans. Sitraka Raharimanantoanina has already released his contract, for financial compensation, to sign up with Élan Béarnais.

Évreux’s first official recruit could be Dimitri Radnic, already with the club between 2020 and 2022, winner of the Leaders Cup Pro B at the time. “I hope it will happen very quickly”confirmed coach Marc Namura this week in Paris Normandy.



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