Direct. Legislative elections 2024: Gabriel Attal promises that Emmanuel Macron will remain president “whatever the result”

Direct. Legislative elections 2024: Gabriel Attal promises that Emmanuel Macron will remain president “whatever the result”
Direct. Legislative elections 2024: Gabriel Attal promises that Emmanuel Macron will remain president “whatever the result”


Raphael Lardeur

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 8:10 a.m.
; updated June 23, 2024 at 12:06 p.m.

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Will the ballot boxes tilt? To the left or to the right ? In a week, the early legislative elections on Sunday June 30 and July 7 will begin.

The French are called upon to vote for elect the deputy who will sit in the National Assembly.

If the presidential majority is isolated by its own executives, the RN hopes to make a historic breakthrough as for the Europeans when the New Popular Front fiercely opposes it.

The candidates, now in campaignhave only a few days to try to convince the electorate.

The national editorial team and all local journalists at remain mobilized to provide you with live coverage of this exceptional political situation.

12:05 p.m. – Thousands of demonstrators against the extreme right in Caen

As our local in Caen, La Liberté, reports to us, thousands of demonstrators are in the streets this Sunday against the far right.

Throughout France, hundreds of demonstrations have been planned, notably following calls from feminist associations and unions.

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12 p.m. – The RN’s economic program inspires confidence, according to a survey

The RN has the confidence of voters on economic issues, according to an Ipsos survey carried out for the Financial Times. According to the opinion survey, 25% of respondents say they have confidence in the RN to make the best economic decisions, compared to 22% for the NPF and 20% for the presidential majority.

The far-right party is acclaimed for its ability to fight inflation and lower taxes as well as to manage the deficit and state debt. The RN’s economic program was criticized by the presidential majority and Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, warned of the dangers of a financial crisis in the event of Jordan Bardella’s party or the union coming to power. from the left.

11:30 a.m. – “Emmanuel Macron will always be president” whatever happens, promises Gabriel Attal

Gabriel Attal assures, in response to Marine Le Pen, that Emmanuel Macron will not resign after the legislative elections.

“Whatever the outcome, the president will still be president. The only question is who will be Prime Minister, what majority will govern,” he told the Parisian.

The former president of the RN and candidate for the legislative elections, Marine Le Pen, estimated on Friday, during a trip to Pas-de-Calais, that “all that remains for the president is resignation to potentially emerge from a crisis political”, in the event of a significant setback at the end of the second round.

11 a.m. – “Let’s not give in in the face of racism and anti-Semitism,” says Emmanuel Macron

In a message posted on X, while a new rally in support of the 12-year-old girl raped in Hauts-de-Seine by boys of similar ages takes place this Sunday morning in Courbevoie, the President of the Republic calls for “education and punishment” . “Let’s educate, let’s not give in, let’s punish. Anti-Semitism, racism and all hatred damages each of us,” writes Emmanuel Macron.

As a reminder, the rape was committed because the 12-year-old girl is Jewish.

10 a.m. – A government of national unity

The president of the National Rally (RN) Jordan Bardella, possible future Prime Minister if his party were to win the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, promised to form a “government of national unity” in an interview granted to Sunday Newspaper.

9 a.m. – Feminist marches against the far right throughout France

Feminist associations and unions are calling for general mobilization on Sunday against the far right, denouncing its “facade feminism” and the “real danger it represents” for women’s rights, accusations rejected by the National Rally.

One week before the first round, scheduled for June 30, 2024, a procession will set off at 2:30 p.m. in Paris, from République to join Nation where a “feminist alert will be launched” with whistles, at the call of more than 200 associations ( Women’s Foundation, Family Planning, #Noustoutes) and unions (CGT, CFDT).

Demonstrations are planned in around thirty other cities such as Clermont-Ferrand, Poitiers, Nice and Bordeaux.

7 a.m. – The RN in front of the left, the macronie left behind

THE National gathering and his right-wing allies of Eric Ciotti are leading the voting intentions in the first round of the legislative elections (35.5%), followed by the New Popular Front (29.5%)there macronie being distanced (19.5%)according to an Ipsos* survey for The Parisian And Radio France published Saturday June 22, 2024.

In this survey published one week before the first round, The Republicans, who have not joined the alliance between their president Eric Ciotti and the far right, come in fourth position with 7% voting intentions.

The survey announces a sharp increase in participation compared to 2022where it rose to 47.5%, with 60 to 64% of French people saying they intend to go to the polls.

According to this survey, which does not make a projection in seats, RN voters are the most sure of their choiceonly 13% of them believing that their vote can still change, compared to 19% for the left, 29% for the majority and 48% for LR.

*The survey was carried out online from June 19 to 20, 2024 on a representative sample of 2,000 people registered on the electoral lists. The margins of error are between 0.7 and 2.6 points.

With AFP

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