Legislative 2024: “He came out crushed and came back giving lessons?”… Dupond-Moretti charges Hollande for whom “macronism is over”

Legislative 2024: “He came out crushed and came back giving lessons?”… Dupond-Moretti charges Hollande for whom “macronism is over”
Legislative 2024: “He came out crushed and came back giving lessons?”… Dupond-Moretti charges Hollande for whom “macronism is over”

The former President of the Republic, François Hollande, was tough on “macronism”. The Minister of Justice answered him. Dryly.

Candidate in Corrèze for the New Popular Front, the former President of the Republic, François Hollande, affirmed this Saturday, June 22, that “macronism is over”. According to him, “the time has come to recompose.”

In an interview with AFP, François Hollande said “without any hostility” that “what he was able, at one point, to represent, is over”.

And for the legislative candidate, “it was costly politically because the overrun was a dissolution in the literal sense of the term”. “The parties have still become much damaged”, he still denounced while Emmanuel Macron’s ambition, in 2017, was to want to “overcome the right-left divide”, by choosing “the best of the left”, and “the best of the right”.

“Allied with the Poutou, with the S files…”

Guest of BFM TV, this Saturday evening, the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti responded to François Hollande. “He allies himself with the Poutou, with the S files and is he the one who comes to give us lessons?” And the Minister of Justice drives home the point: “He came out of his presidency crushed to such an extent that he was not even able to run again, which is incredible.”

“Following that, he confided in journalists, betraying defense secrets. And why is he coming back? For a plate of lentils, for a job…”



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