Sigean: La Treille d’or opens to all and seeks a new name

Sigean: La Treille d’or opens to all and seeks a new name
Sigean: La Treille d’or opens to all and seeks a new name

The president of the elderly association La Treille d’or, brought together the members in her premises, 24, avenue de Port-La Nouvelle, for an extraordinary general meeting, with the aim of opening the association to new members, without age range.

Three new sections this year

Since January, three new sections have joined the association: patchwork, Spanish and dynamic gymnastics in music (LIA) at Etang Boyé les Mondays And Thursdays from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.

There are therefore members who do not meet the membership conditions and a reflection on changing the name of the association is necessary.

Membership conditions change

Until now, to be part of the association, you had to be 60 years old or over, or be retired, or the spouse of a member, or even be a descendant of a member and in a situation of disability.

Now, it was unanimously voted by those present that anyone wishing to join the association could do so.

A new calendar unanimously adopted

During this general meeting it was decided to model the activities calendar on the civil calendar and no longer on the school calendar.

Therefore, the date of the general meeting will now be held in January. Memberships can thus be registered from the September forum until the end of December.

Varied activities

The association also plans small lotteries once a month, followed by a small snack, walks to rediscover the local heritage of Sige, a spring meal and outings by the sea. To bring together all members in a friendly atmosphere , President Monique Cayrol proposes to implement intergenerational actions and invites everyone to participate in a friendly meeting in September and a big lottery in October.

At the end of the meeting, she launched a call to come and participate in the steering committee which meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. depending on the season, in the association’s premises. She is awaiting suggestions for the new name of the association by proposing the use of the MJL mailbox in the lobby.



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