“You showed me that it was OK to be yourself”: Sabrina in tears for Gino’s last show

“You showed me that it was OK to be yourself”: Sabrina in tears for Gino’s last show
“You showed me that it was OK to be yourself”: Sabrina in tears for Gino’s last show

As Gino prepares to say goodbye to Hi Hello, Sabrina spoke about the support Gino gave her in recent years.


• Read also: HI GINO | STORM, NOT STORM!


“You approved me in the person that I am, you helped me to accept myself as I am”. Wanting to thank Gino Chouinard for the support he has given her since her arrival at Salut Bonjour, Sabrina Cournoyer could not hold back her tears.

Aside from their professional collaboration, Sabrina reveals that Gino’s words particularly helped her in her most difficult moments. “ All the times you played a joke on me when my heart really needed lightness », showing once again the strong ties that unite the Salut Bonjour team.

You approved me in the person I am, you helped me accept myself as I am. As you told me in my very first column, I tell you in turn: trust yourself“Words that perfectly sum up the positive influence that Gino has had on his colleagues throughout his career.

Gino, visibly touched by Sabrina’s confidence, added that “The public becomes your family, you have become my family too“, to summarize the importance that Salut Bonjour has taken on in his life. To conclude, Gino assured his colleagues that he did not have the attention to change his cell number right away, and would always remain available and listen!

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