1.2 billion US dollars mobilized at the Gavi forum

1.2 billion US dollars mobilized at the Gavi forum
1.2 billion US dollars mobilized at the Gavi forum

On the occasion of the GAVI forum, a financial commitment of more than $1.2 billion was announced to fuel a vaccine production accelerator in Africa, called AVMA. This is a fund responsible for developing new production lines on the continent, to build the African vaccine market, reports “L’As.”

The French President announced a series of measures taken to strengthen the health sovereignty of the African continent. This involves, in addition to the AVMA, the launch of the cycle of replenishment of resources of the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) for the period 2026-2030, the mobilization of 10 million euros for support for production of vaccines against cholera, produced in Africa, France’s membership in the International Vaccine Institute, which develops, tests and deploys vaccines against infectious diseases mainly affecting populations in developing countries, etc. It should be remembered that between 2000 and 2020, Gavi and its partners helped vaccinate more than a billion children, saving more than 17 million lives.

During its strategic period, 2026 to 2030, Gavi plans to immunize at least 500 million additional children, which could prevent between 8 and 9 million additional deaths. But to get there, Gavi must raise at least $9 billion from donor governments, private organizations and individuals, through a process called replenishment.



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