1 in 4 festivals do not respect the rules on payment methods and price transparency

1 in 4 festivals do not respect the rules on payment methods and price transparency
1 in 4 festivals do not respect the rules on payment methods and price transparency

The FPS Economy reveals fraud on the part of the organizers of certain festivals.

C Belgian

The FPS Economy monitored twelve music festivals this summer to check their compliance with new directives on the use of specific payment methods. These rules, put in place in April 2024, aim to guarantee clear and transparent communication on prices and reimbursement possibilities for visitors. In the end, nine festivals were found to be compliant, two received a warning and one was subject to a sanction.

Payment methods and price transparency

These guidelines specify that festivals can use specific payment methods, such as wristbands or rechargeable cards, provided that prices are clearly indicated in euros. Among the eleven festivals having set up their own payment system, six used an internal currency, one of which was sanctioned for having provided a conversion table deemed unclear. The FPS emphasizes the importance of transparent communication to avoid any confusion.

Refund Policy

Festivals are also encouraged to offer a refund scheme for the unused balance at the end of the event. Eleven festivals offered this option, but nine of them charged a fee. One festival received a warning for insufficient communication on this point. Organizers should ensure that the refund process is simple and that visitors are informed in detail about it.

Commitment to transparent practices

The majority of festivals offered reusable cups with deposit, and the implementation of this system was deemed satisfactory by the Economic Inspectorate. A warning was issued, however, to a festival that limited cash payment options, a practice that could be seen as restricting consumers’ rights. The SPF reminds that transparency and fairness are essential to offer festival-goers a positive experience.

Investigation possible next year

Faced with the reports received at the end of the season, the Economic Inspectorate is planning additional checks for the next festival season. These could relate to ticket sales, reimbursement terms and the clarity of prices displayed. “It is imperative that there are no unfair commercial practices,” underlines Etienne Mignolet, spokesperson for the FPS Economy, recalling the importance of these rules to guarantee a fair and accessible environment for festival-goers.




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