Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+… the best series to watch this weekend

Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+… the best series to watch this weekend
Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+… the best series to watch this weekend

By François R

– Published on June 21, 2024 at 10:00

What are we watching this weekend? Recurring question to which Melty will answer you with a cool little program of flagship series from the Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+ platforms. Follow the leader !

It is Friday. And everything is allowed. Above all, relax on your sofa, with a burger or a pizza, in front of the TV. But, actually, what are we looking at this weekend of June 21, 2024? Do not panic : Melty has listed three great series for you on the Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+ platforms. Just to take your eyes full of it. Let’s go !

What series to binge on Netflix this weekend of June 21?

This weekend of June 21, on Netflix, we dive back into adolescence with Raising Voiceswe escape with Sweet Tooth where we have fun with Geek Girl. In any case, there is something for everyone in three radically different styles: the dramaTHE fantasticthere comedy. Let’s rock!

Discover the offbeat Geek Girl

Geek Girl tells the story of a teenager who goes from nerd shy to future fashion muse. An incredible change taken from the best-seller by Holly Small. Or how an offbeat series helps break down the solid barrier of prejudice. Particularly during adolescence, an oh-so-important and oh-so-symbolic period during which we build a personality and opinions.

Raising Voices dissects the difficulty of adolescence

Alma is a high school student like any other. She works hard in her senior year, spends time with her close friends and is even secretly in love with a boy at her school. But a tragic event will shatter everything. Raising Voices is the dramatic counterpart of Geek Girl. Or how adolescence can be hell on Earth.

Sweet Tooth is a cheper series

Sweet Tooth is a real UFO in the Netflix catalog. Even in the small world of platform series. A modern, dystopian tale in which we follow the strange adventures of a half-boy, half-deer hero, Gus, in search of a home. Sweet Tooth or the show enters The world of Narnia And The Odyssey ofHomer.

3 shows not to miss on Prime Video during your weekend

On Prime Video, this weekend of June 21, 2024, we go back to the sources of cardboard series The Boys with the prequel Gen Vwe let ourselves be carried away by the charm of The summer I became pretty or we stimulate our zygomatic bones with the merry band of LOL – Who laughs, comes out! Let’s rock!

Gen V : return to the sources of The Boys

You all know The Boys. Either the dark and violent superhero series, political satirical and fucked up of our contemporary society. But have you seen the underrated Gen V ? This is a prequel to the iconic Prime Video series. A campus entertainment in which gifted college students are on their way to becoming members of the Seven. Sex, drugs and superpowers, in short.

The refreshing The summer I became pretty

The summer I became pretty is a great series teen romantic. We discover a teenager in the middle of a love triangle with two brothers. Just that ! A show that fits perfectly into the lineage of initiatory romance novels. For better and worse, turning the heart from laughter to tears.

LOL – Who laughs, comes out! to split the pear

The lousy weather and this wasted month of June are making you sick. Carefree, Philippe Lacheau is there with his entertainment LOL – Who laughs, comes out!. In the program : the cream of French-speaking humor competing to pocket a nice little jackpot to donate to an association. Special mention to the brilliant season with a Pierre Niney we fire and tireless.

Disney+: series to watch this weekend of June 21

Disney is working in the old pots but in the best pots for this weekend of June 21, 2024. We thus find three series timeless, Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy And The Simpsonsor Proust madeleines intergenerational. Let’s rock!

Desperate Housewives or a return to Wisteria Lane

Desperate Housewiveswhen it was released in the mid-2000s, was a small television revolution. The ordinary chronicle of ordinary neighbors who investigate a murder that is making headlines in their quiet neighborhood, Wisteria Lane. Carried by a quartet of exceptional actresses, Desperate Housewives is the anti-Sex in the City and the bastard heiress of a Twin Peaks.

Grey’s Anatomy : the most cult hospital series

We are all afraid of ending up in the hospital with a rare disease. Yet we all stand up to Grey’s Anatomy. Or the most cult hospital series, full of impossible romances and ambiguous friendships. Find with pleasure MeredithTHE Doctor Mamour and all the others throughout the complete series available on Disney+.

The indestructible and hilarious Simpson family

It’s been more than 30 years since the animated series The Simpsons stands out as the flagship of American humor. Sorry South Park. The Simpson family, a reflection of a middle-class America, with its imperfections and its troubles, ultimately resembles its most loyal spectators. This is undoubtedly the reasons for such longevity on the small screen and, now, on Mickey’s platform.



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