A decree improves guarantees in the event of death

A decree improves guarantees in the event of death
A decree improves guarantees in the event of death

Stanislas Guerini is Minister of Transformation and Public Service.

The decree establishing the improvement of the guarantees offered by the State to its 2.5 million agents in the event of death was published on June 18 in the Official Journal and retrospectively covers deaths occurring since the start of the year.

The decree “fixes the benefits paid to the beneficiaries of deceased public officials of the State, both civil servants and contract workers, “in accordance” with the broader agreement reached at the end of October on the improvement of social protection in the State civil service, which also included a section on incapacity for work and disability.

Concretely, the text creates “two new benefits: the temporary education pension, paid under conditions of age and continued studies to the children of the deceased agent, and the life pension for disability, paid without age conditions to children with disabilities of the deceased agent“.

It also strengthens the existing death benefit system, which will now be paid by the agent’s employer.the day of his death” and without age conditions for the beneficiaries, where until now the children of the deceased had to be under 21 years old to receive it.

The amount of this death benefit is now fixed “at the level of the last gross annual remuneration of the deceased agent“, it is specified. He will be “triple” if his death occurs following an accident on duty, an occupational illness, an attack, an attack due to his position or a “act of dedication in a public interest or to save the life of one or more people“.

This decree, eagerly awaited by state civil service unions, ratifies part of the agreement signed in the fall with the government, more than a year and a half after the start of negotiations. The other two components, which improve guarantees in the event of incapacity and disability, should come into force respectively during the year 2024 and “no later than January 1, 2027“, the government promised.

This agreement should make it possible to improve the guarantees of the 2.5 million state civil service agents – whereas they remained before, by the Ministry of Civil Service’s own admission, “in many respects inferior to those of the private sector” – and to reduce the inequalities that persisted between civil servants and contractual public agents.



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