On the night of November 11 to 12, the tranquility of Beaudéduit was disturbed by a large-scale fire, requiring the rapid intervention of a large contingent of firefighters.
An impressive deployment of relief
The response of the firefighters matched the emergency, with nearly 60 firefighters mobilized, accompanied by 15 vehicles, including six pump trucks et two ladders to fight fire. In addition, a specialized vehicle was sent to rescue the animals, demonstrating the teams' determination to protect both infrastructure and lives.
The rapid intervention on the scene made it possible to contain the fire and thus preserve more than 500 m² of building, as well as essential resourcessuch as fodder and phytosanitary products.
A successful animal rescue operation
Among the notable achievements of this eventful night, the animal rescuers managed to evacuate all the livestock present on site. Thanks to their efficiency, no cattle were injured during this dramatic incident.
The firefighters, after extinguishing the fire, confirmed thatno casualties have been reportedwhich adds to the satisfaction of the responders who risked their safety to avoid a tragic human toll.
These events remind us of the importance of a rapid and well-coordinated response to emergency situations, and pay tribute to those who, through their courage and dedication, save lives and keep our communities safe.
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