TOP ELLE: 11 new sun creams to protect against UV rays

TOP ELLE: 11 new sun creams to protect against UV rays
TOP ELLE: 11 new sun creams to protect against UV rays

11 new sunscreens to protect against UV rays

THE sunscreens have come a long way since the days when we were mostly dealing with thick, difficult-to-spread creams that left a greasy finish on the skin. And luckily! Because we now know that protecting ourselves from UV rays is not only of monumental importance in terms of preventing skin cancer, but also in avoiding sunburn and premature skin aging.

Why is it so important to wear sun protection?

We’ve heard it often: protecting yourself from UV rays – by seeking shade, covering yourself and regularly applying sunscreen – helps prevent skin cancer, but also minimizes the deterioration of collagen in our skin. (element which contributes to its elasticity) and the formation of pigment spots and wrinkles. Although it is recommended to wear sunscreen all year round (even when it snows, rains or is gray!), it is normal that we need to redouble our efforts in spring and in summer. For what? Simply because the sun becomes stronger at this time of year and the days get longer. Thus, UV rays are present for longer each day and the mercury rises, leading us to dress lighter and reveal more of our skin.

Products that meet all needs

If in the past, pleasant textures and finishes were not always there, nowadays, there really is a sun care product that meets all needs and tastes. And the offer is continually improving! Mineral filters for more sensitive skin, chemical screens completely invisible once applied, pleasantly scented or completely odorless formulas, gel, serum, milk, cream textures or stick formats making reapplication easy: just find the option which offers broad spectrum protection (which compensates for UVA and UVB) and which will make us want to apply it and reapply (every two hours, ideally).

An increasingly present trend: ultra-fluid formulas whose dosage and ingredients are reminiscent of our favorite serums (which we apply at the end of our skin care routine, like any other sunscreen) and makeup products with integrated SPF, which allow us to further improve our protection.

Without further ado, here is 11 new solar products launched this year, with various textures, UV filters and formats. Good discovery!



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