“There is a direct link between energy poverty and physical and moral health”

“There is a direct link between energy poverty and physical and moral health”
“There is a direct link between energy poverty and physical and moral health”

For the National Day to Combat Energy Poverty, the guest at 7:45 a.m. on Bleu this Tuesday was Christiane Ventura, from the Soliha association, “Solidaires pour l'habitat”, based in La Rochelle. She particularly emphasizes public health issues.

Being too cold at home, not being able to pay your energy bills. The 4th National day to combat fuel povertythis Tuesday, allows us to focus on these difficulties which continue to worsen. It is estimated that energy poverty affects 3.5 million households in France, around 12% of households, for which energy expenditure represents a little more than 8% of the budget. People on low incomes, who live in energy constraints or whose heating installations are unsuitable.

Many are forced to limit the temperature to 16 or 17 degrees inside their homeexplained our guest at 7:45 a.m. this Tuesday, Christiane Ventura, the coordinator of the social center of Soliha, the “Solidaires pour l’Habitat” association in La Rochelle. For her, the issue is not only economic, it is also a public health issue, with the risks of illnesses linked to the cold, and often to the humidity that goes with it in the housing concerned. But also with risks of depression or a drop in self-esteem and a worsening of isolation.

The Soliha association can intervene in the 28 municipalities of the CDA of La Rochelle, in the homes of people experiencing energy poverty, for a social diagnosis and to propose solutions (financial aid, changes in habits, but also intervention with the owner if necessary).

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