the Notre-Dame car park closes due to risk of collapse

the Notre-Dame car park closes due to risk of collapse
the Notre-Dame car park closes due to risk of collapse

By email or flyer, users of the Notre-Dame car park have just learned that they will no longer be able to park their vehicle on levels -2 and -3 from Thursday evening June 20, 2024.

560 places out of 600 are neutralized due to a major risk of collapse of the two floors. During a press conference, elected officials from Grand Poitiers highlighted the urgency after having had a diagnosis carried out, the results of which were known at the end of last week.

It appeared that defects from the design stage have over time led to real danger. The 388 subscribers who received an email were assigned to another parking lot: town hall, TAP, Blossac-Tison or even les Carmes and for people with mobility with disability cards to the university parking lot (15 spaces Malraux route).

“We’re going to kill the business!” »

Level – 1 remains open and will only be accessible to utilities, mainly for market traders. Other places will also be reserved for them (with badges) in the Jardin-des-Plantes parking lot. Vitalis buses to access the city center will be free on Saturdays.

Services have been in place since Tuesday morning in the Notre-Dame car park on level -1.

According to elected officials, “no one will be left without a solution”. Thus, in addition to on-site support, a telephone cell was urgently set up. It will be open from June 18 to 28, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The unique number is:

The daily lives of users and traders will be disrupted. According to them, this will not be without consequences for the attendance of both the market halls and the shops on Place Charles-de-Gaulle.

Jean, a local trader, cried out to everyone: “We’re going to kill the business!” »



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