Stillborn baby and fetus dumped in old landfill

Stillborn baby and fetus dumped in old landfill
Stillborn baby and fetus dumped in old landfill

Ivory Coast is reeling from a particularly macabre affair. An investigation was opened by the Ivorian police after the discovery on Sunday of a “stillborn” baby and a fetus in a former landfill in Abidjan, announced the prosecution of this country where the right to abortion is very restricted.

“A stillborn” and “a runt”, a term used to designate a fetus, were found on Sunday morning at the old Akouedo village landfill, east of Abidjan, said Braman Oumar Koné, public prosecutor. of the court of first instance of Abidjan.

Medical equipment also discovered

Also discovered on site, among other human waste, were “ten fibroids”, “a bag containing several types of biological samples as well as several cards stamped “CHU de Treichville” and “CHU de Yopougon””, two districts of Abidjan, he said, announcing the opening of an investigation.

The Abidjan police chief, Kollo Roger Yeo, for his part affirmed, a little earlier, that “the medical equipment” and other elements found could have been “deposited by a clinic or a hospital center”.

The Ivorian government announced in 2022 that it wanted to close illegal private clinics, when “more than 80% of structures in the private sector do not always respect the standards in force”, according to it. The country allows abortion only in cases of rape, incest and when the life or mental or physical health of the mother is in danger.




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