International Sushi Day: June 18, 2024

International Sushi Day: June 18, 2024
International Sushi Day: June 18, 2024

International Sushi Day, which is celebrated every year on June 18, is a global celebration of one of Japan’s iconic culinary specialties. This day is implemented to salute not only the gastronomic delicacy that is sushi, but also to celebrate ancient culinary traditions and techniques in the preparation.

Historically, the beginnings of sushi date back to the Nara period in Japan, from 710 to 794 AD. Originally, sushi was a way for people to preserve fish. At that time, fish was combined with fermented rice, as each ingredient had to be preserved for several months. Thanks to this process, the fish could be preserved for several months. Over the years, this technique has transformed into a popular delicacy.

Cultural and economic impact

Cultural scope : Sushi is not just a dish, but an integral part of Japanese cultural identity. Its popularity extends globally, reflecting a fascination and respect for Japanese cuisine.

Figures : According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, sushi exports have seen an annual increase of 2.7% since 2015. The United States, China and the European Union are among the main importers .

Innovations and variations of Sushi

Diversification : Originally, sushi consisted mainly of rice and raw fish. Today, it comes in a multitude of forms, including vegetarian options and even fusion creations incorporating local ingredients from various countries.

Relevant statistics : A 2021 market study found that sushi variations incorporating local ingredients saw a 15% growth in popularity in non-Asian markets.

Challenges and preservation

Sustainability : The increase in global sushi consumption poses sustainability challenges, particularly regarding the overfishing of certain key species like bluefin tuna. Initiatives such as the use of less endangered fish and aquaculture are encouraged.

education and formation : Sushi schools in Japan and abroad aim to preserve traditional methods while incorporating more sustainable practices.

International Sushi Day aims not only to celebrate sushi, but also to reflect on ways to protect its traditions while adapting its consumption to today’s standard sustainability standards. It reminds us of the power of the cultural movement and the importance of preserving aquatic resources. Every bite of sushi should remind us of the interaction between man and the living spirit on the planet and the infinity of culinary expression produced by millions of sushi chefs around the world.



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