“If Louis (Aliot) doesn’t win, I’ll come see you personally”: a municipal employee of Perpignan in court for a threatening SMS to the mayor’s campaign manager

“If Louis (Aliot) doesn’t win, I’ll come see you personally”: a municipal employee of Perpignan in court for a threatening SMS to the mayor’s campaign manager
“If Louis (Aliot) doesn’t win, I’ll come see you personally”: a municipal employee of Perpignan in court for a threatening SMS to the mayor’s campaign manager

While the legislative race is now in full swing, a dispute within the 2020 campaign unit of the mayor Rassemblement national de Perpignan landed at the bar of the criminal court this Monday, June 17, 2024. A municipal employee had to explain a “malicious and threatening” message addressed to one of Louis Aliot’s relatives.

A very nebulous story as that examined this Thursday morning by the Perpignan criminal court. Michel Meniker, an employee of the City for 25 years as a social educator, also president of the Collective generation harki memory and truth, came forward to respond to an SMS sent to François Dussaubat in June 2020. At that time, this the latter was then one of those responsible for Louis Aliot’s electoral campaign. Following the victory, he took a position as deputy in charge of human resources.

It is in this capacity that a year later, in May 2021, he presented himself at the police station to break the case concerning, firstly, missives from a crow which had just been sent to the town hall . A first letter was sent with threats against the deputy, telling him to tear down the walls in the street. Then an envelope arrived containing two insulting letters, one of which was still against him. Later, others followed targeting the mayor himself. Many employees were heard. But the sender with the sharp pen could never be identified (despite a name and address noted on the back of the envelope…). However, François Dussaubat adds to the procedure old telephone messages to his attention received on the number of Louis Aliot’s campaign cell from Michel Meniker’s cell phone.

“Louis needs warriors, not losers”

On June 13, 2020, the first SMS asks: “Good evening François, Louis (Aliot Editor’s note) risks losing a few points, due to the stupidity of some people who instead of being positive, start the losing machine with shitty psychology. What do you think?” The same evening, the interlocutor becomes impatient: “So what?“. When on June 14, 2020 at midnight, it exploded: “Listen to me carefully. I’m waiting for your answer. Either you pull your fingers out of your ass or you give up. Louis needs warriors and not losers. Listen to me carefully if Louis on the evening of June 28 he doesn’t win , I’m coming to see you personally.”

For these last words, Michel Meniker was finally summoned before the prosecutor’s delegate, did not recognize the facts and refused to pay the citizen contribution of 150 euros which was requested of him. Finding himself facing the court, assisted by Me Nicolas Nassier, for contempt of person holding public authority. “I don’t remember anymore,” he said. “I was not involved in the campaign even if I get along very well with the mayor who is a friend of the harkis. Mr. Dussaubat, I only knew him by sight. And then, he was not elected At that time, he was not a holder of public authority and he was not even employed at the town hall. And the defendant, ambassador of the State of Israel, poured out: “The only card I had was a union card. I have always been committed to citizenship and it cost me a divorce and a triple bypass. I have four children. I’m somewhere homeless. Why this relentlessness? I thought about asking for political asylum in another country, but I will continue despite the difficulties. Long live the Republic, Long live France!”

François Dussaubat is not there, nor even a lawyer to represent him, in order to provide his version of the facts. The prosecutor, after“a shaky investigation” has no choice but to request release. And the court can only validate. Michel Meniker leaves without the slightest conviction. And without knowing what the motive for his wrath could be…



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