Unknown yesterday, Ciottistes and RN are embarking on a joint campaign which requires adaptations

Unknown yesterday, Ciottistes and RN are embarking on a joint campaign which requires adaptations
Unknown yesterday, Ciottistes and RN are embarking on a joint campaign which requires adaptations

It’s brand new and you can feel it. The Marne alliance between the National Rally and the Republicans who followed the position of Eric Ciotti, their president, is somewhat sluggish. In any case, it had never been discussed locally, as discussions did not officially exist between the two political parties.

The Marnais RN had also planned to launch itself into the legislative battle on the evening of the dissolution, Sunday June 9. The next day, Thierry Besson, the party’s departmental delegate, proposed “a list of legitimate candidates ”, in his words, “but the situation has changed” Tuesday after Éric Ciotti, national president of the LR, blew up the cordon santé which existed until now between the right and the far right.

Anne-Sophie Frigout, Maxime Michelet, Achille Bisiaux and Thierry Besson, candidates of the “coalition of the rights” in Marne, with their substitutes.

On Wednesday, RN51 therefore learned that two Marne constituencies were not allocated to it. Anne-Sophie Frigout, 33, got off to a good start in 2 (Reims – Fismes) for which she was briefly a deputy in 2022 before the election was invalidated. Thierry Besson, 66 years old, was assigned 5 (Vitry – Sézanne – Courtisols) and, more unexpectedly, Achille Bisiaux, a 26-year-old young party wolf, advisor to the RN group in the National Assembly, 4.

For 1 and 2, however, head to the LRs. Not those taken to the Marne level by Valérie Beauvais, but those who followed the line of the national president: Maxime Michelet, 32 years old, Suippas member of Ciotti’s cabinet, for 3 (Épernay – Dormans), and Adrien Mexis, 43 years old, in 1 (Reims – Burgundy), without local ties. There “RN machine” department therefore had to adapt. By force, without having a say, in fact. “We had to review the investitures to include them”, recalls Thierry Besson, this Monday June 17 in the afternoon, during a press conference bringing together all the department’s candidates. The whole thing, “without knowing each other”. The meeting took place later, ” SATURDAY “.

“They came alone”

It was also necessary to find replacements for the new allies, and this was not planned, because “they came alone”. But no problem, “we had people available with us, because we recorded quite a few memberships, 127 more since June 9”, says Thierry Besson, this Monday. And so the RN was able to draw from his pool to help his two new comrades form their pair, not very naturally, they agree. Christophe Morieux, deputy departmental delegate of the RN, originally from Bouzy, joined Maxime Michelet on the 3, “we met three days ago!” », he smiles. David Boscariol, “a Reims lawyer”he leaves with Adrien Mexis on the 1.

If they all say “work in the same direction, for France”, however, everyone will manage their campaign as they see fit locally. No global method is thus defined. And while a press conference is called to present the five candidates ” together “no one has news of Adrien Mexis, absent…

“Purchasing power, energy, insecurity, massive immigration”

Within this new coalition described as“historical” rights, “the only coherent one for the country”, says Maxime Michelet, we feel that everything is not in place. All is ” new “and in this “TGV election”everything is decided day by day, while awaiting instructions from the national.

For professions of faith for example, “it’s still under discussion”specifies LR Maxime Michelet, but they will differ ” certainly “ between candidates labeled pure RN and those worn by mixed LR pairs with RN replacement. “They will be very close whatever happens”nevertheless comments Achille Bisiaux, and “given what the left has proposed, abounds the candidate of the 3, we don’t find it ineffective to take the time to write our program”. This one will mention in any case, they all agree on this, “purchasing power, energy, insecurity, massive immigration”as well as “financial audit” of the State desired by both parties. Common points between these new allies who say they are ” happy “ to stand together. “Macron dissolved Macronism and opened the way for us. We are all on an incredible dynamic. »



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