Why do some products you buy often suddenly disappear from the shelves?

Why do some products you buy often suddenly disappear from the shelves?
Why do some products you buy often suddenly disappear from the shelves?

We finally know why certain products suddenly disappear from supermarket shelves. And the reason is surprising. We reveal everything to you.

Perhaps you have already noticed that your favorite products have suddenly disappeared from the shelves where you usually find them. RMC conducted the investigation to understand why this phenomenon occurs. Recently, this is what happened to several products from the PepsiCo group which were removed from Carrefour stores. The same goes for products from the Mondelez group that have not been found for three months at Système U and Leclerc.

RMC Conso explains what this phenomenon is linked to. And it is the mass distribution specialist Olivier Dauvers who provides a first element of response by publishing on X a photo of a poster in a Leclerc store which states that “the Nana and Tena brands are no longer available in your store following a significant and unjustified increase in Essity’s prices.

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Disagreements between brands and brands

According to RMC Conso, there are several reasons that push brands to defer brands from their shelves, namely: a brand that does not sell enough products, a quality problem linked to too many product recalls or consumer complaints but also a desire to the brand to renew itself by varying its offer. But most of the time, deferencing is the result of disagreement between brands and retailers. In times of inflation, for example, it is not uncommon for distributors and manufacturers to be unable to reach an agreement.

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RMC Conso specifies that negotiations usually take place between December and March between manufacturers and brands, in order to set the prices of foodstuffs and consumer products for the coming year. Distributors want to buy brand products at the lowest possible price in order to remain competitive and therefore attract more consumers.

The price war rages

Recently the Nana and Tena products are no longer listed on the Leclerc shelves because the group failed to reach an agreement with Essity, “either because Essity has applied a review clause to increase its prices, because during annual negotiations the prices are not fixed for the whole year and can fluctuate depending on increases in the prices of raw materials”, as Olivier Dauvers explained to RMC Conso.

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However, it is difficult to know who is behind this decision. “The commercial relationship is not necessarily completely broken, the brand can simply decide not to repurchase temporarily, or to order less,” explains the consumption expert. Deferencing is also monitored because even if it is legal, the commercial code prohibits “to obtain or attempt to obtain, under the threat of a sudden, total or partial termination, commercial relations, prices, payment terms, terms of sale or conditions of commercial cooperation manifestly deviating from the conditions general sales conditions.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…



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