what happens to Danny Khezzar, one year after Top Chef? We met him

what happens to Danny Khezzar, one year after Top Chef? We met him
what happens to Danny Khezzar, one year after Top Chef? We met him

Almost a year exactly after his Top Chef adventure, the 750g editorial team decided to get news from one of the most notable candidates on this program, all seasons combined, Danny Khezzar. The young man confides in his “life change” following his participation in the show. Here is his interview.

A comeback never seen before in Top Chef, an inimitable laugh and unfailing positivity: if Danny did not win season 14 of the cooking competition, he will undeniably have left his mark. “I think that I have had an atypical path like my life and I find that it represents well what I experienced from starting at the bottom to arriving at the top. It’s funny because it’s a real parallel with my life. I wouldn’t change anything,” the young man told us in an interview. Eliminated in the second week, Danny was able to re-enter the competition thanks to the hidden brigade, a parallel competition directed that season by Hélène Darroze. If a priori, there was little chance that the candidate would return to the quarter-finals, he managed to beat the candidates one by one, unheard of in the competition. Every week, the public waited impatiently to see if they would succeed in winning the duel of the week again. Eventually, with each new challenge, Danny knocked out all his opponents. He then became the outsider of the hidden brigade and thus reached the final against Hugo Riboulet. If he did not win, he left his mark on the competition. All…

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Read also :

Danny Khezzar (Top Chef) will soon open his restaurant!
“I am not at an advantage, on the contrary”: Danny Khezzar talks about his journey in the Hidden Brigade of Top Chef
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