The Rocket Festival of Roi Et: From Joyful to Chaotic

The Rocket Festival of Roi Et: From Joyful to Chaotic
The Rocket Festival of Roi Et: From Joyful to Chaotic

The traditional rocket festival in Roi Et province turned into a tragedy on June 16, 2024 when a faulty rocket exploded, causing significant injuries to participants. The event, usually a joyful celebration of local culture and a symbol of good luck for the community, ended in chaos and dismay.

This year, participants gathered to watch the launch of 370,000 rockets, a spectacle deeply rooted in local heritage and believed to bring prosperity to the region. However, while the festivities were in full swing, disaster struck at 5 p.m. One of the rockets malfunctioned during launch, causing a powerful explosion at the base of the launcher.

The impact of the explosion was immediate and widespread, injuring approximately 37 spectators who came to enjoy the vibrant spectacle. The crowd, initially filled with excitement and anticipation, was thrown into panic when the explosion went off.

The nature of the injuries varied from facial lacerations to head trauma and limb fractures. Some people suffered bleeding head wounds, while others suffered serious injuries to their arms and legs. The scene quickly became chaotic as people rushed to help the injured and call for help.

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