the candidacy of François Hollande “allows us to have a very broad front”, believes the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure

the candidacy of François Hollande “allows us to have a very broad front”, believes the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure
the candidacy of François Hollande “allows us to have a very broad front”, believes the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure

The candidacy of François Hollande “allows us to have a very broad front and to say to the French men and women do not be in a form of worry, there is the whole left which is there to come together against the extreme right”explained Monday June 17 on franceinfo, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party.

**>> Editorial. European elections: Is François Hollande really an asset for the socialist campaign?

**The former President of the Republic did not call Olivier Faure to warn him that he will run in the first constituency of Corrèze under the colors of the New Popular Front. But the first secretary of the Socialist Party sees the bright side of things. He believes that this front allows “to hope for victory. Who would have imagined it a week ago? A week ago, we were all wondering how we were going to resist the far right which had made nearly 40%. Today ‘Today, hope is there again’he said.

“This week” budget calculation

From Philippe Poutou to François Hollande, the New Popular Front embraces all the sensibilities of the left, but coming together around a common program could prove difficult: “The program has been validated. All those who today display the colors of the Popular Front are obviously associated with a project. It is this project and it is this project alone that counts” , continued Olivier Faure. He admits “that no one finds 100% of what they hoped for. But at the same time, life is like that. We always make compromises”he added.

The macronie points out a dangerous program for public finances. The economic costing is in progress: “You will have it this week. Today there is work being carried out by a large number of economists who are working alongside us and who will provide figures”explained Olivier Faure. “It’s always the same story as soon as the left proposes to do more for those who have less, we are always told the same thing, it’s impossible budgetarily,” he denounced while “we have a government which has deprived itself of resources, which has lost 40 billion euros per year by multiplying tax gifts”_, he accused.



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