Legislative elections 2024: Sarkozy and Hollande, the return of the exes

Legislative elections 2024: Sarkozy and Hollande, the return of the exes
Legislative elections 2024: Sarkozy and Hollande, the return of the exes

Emmanuel Macron’s two predecessors are getting back in the saddle, each in their own way. Unsurprisingly, François Hollande is the most offensive after having decided to run for the legislative elections in Corrèze. A decision not so unexpected when you know François Hollande and you know what drives him, that is to say poorly digested betrayal and the feeling that his story is not over.

You should know that for two years, tirelessly, François Hollande reorganizes his networks, he comments, he criticizes the action of his successor, he suggests the idea that he could be a presidential candidate once again. He didn’t hang up. François Hollande makes me think of what Nicolas Sarkozy said about the virus of politics: “Politics is a hard drug, it’s not easy to pull out the syringe“That’s why I tell you that it’s not really unexpected. François Hollande dove back, he found in this political crisis the space he was looking for to exist.

He can win and that’s why he’s going. It’s a land he knows well, there are solid relays. He won by a little sleight of hand thanks to his friends there. This is his former stronghold. Even if the outgoing deputy is LR, and the RN took the lead in the European elections, if you take the result of the entire left in Tulle, we arrive at 45% and we must not believe that the inhabitants of the 1st constituency of Corrèze welcome him with open arms, particularly because of the alliance with LFI.

But he thinks he can relaunch from Tulle. A François Hollande MP could very well be a candidate for Matignonwhich would not lack salt because as they say, revenge is a dish best served cold.

Nicolas Sarkozy distances himself from the majority

Nicolas Sarkozy, for his part, did not take the plunge into the election, it must be said that he has bitter memories of the right-wing primary. On the other hand, he has felt the wind and he cannot help but give lessons in criticizing the political coup of dissolutionwhich he did by giving a big interview in the JDD yesterday.

The paradox is that Nicolas Sarkozy has always had a very close relationship with Emmanuel Macron. He’s been advising him for years, and they’ve been seeing each other face-to-face at lunch. Furthermore, it was one of those closest to Nicolas Sarkozy, Pierre Charon, who was in the know about the dissolution and who recommended it to him, without it reaching the ears of the former president. We understand better why he is distancing himself today by explaining that he is always right-wing, always loyal to his LR party.

There is perhaps among Nicolas Sarkozy, who called to vote for Macron in 2022 to the great dismay of his own camp, annoyance and disappointment to see that the young president listens to no one and only does what he wants. her head.

I do not believe that the words of former presidents carry weight in the debates. On the other hand, this confirms the idea that Emmanuel Macron, in seven years, has made a lot of enemies or has caused a lot of disappointments.

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