A new kayaker died yesterday in Vallouise

A new kayaker died yesterday in Vallouise
A new kayaker died yesterday in Vallouise

After the tragedy in Briançon last Tuesday and that in Ubaye last Monday, a new kayaker found the port which occurred this Sunday between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on the Gyr at the EDF dam in Vallouise.

The 62-year-old (British) was declared dead despite resuscitation measures. The intervention mobilized 9 firefighters.

A few days ago the Briançon family kayak called with the greatest caution

REMINDER ! Vigilance during this period of high water!!

Two tragic accidents in 2 days!

The first took place today on the Durance, resulting in the death of an English kayaker, the second yesterday in Ubaye resulting in the death of an Irish kayaker. The rivers of the Hautes Alpes have a high flow!!!

Current river conditions increase these risks significantly. It is therefore crucial to be extra vigilant when going out. Don’t hesitate to add a “volume” difficulty class to certain courses! If you do not have the experience of volume navigation or the technical level, refrain!

We therefore invite you to widely communicate this cautionary alert through your networks and to your respective communities, in particular to foreign kayakers who come to practice whitewater in our Eldorado, whether they are professionals or ‘amateurs. Adopt necessary safety precautions, carefully assess weather and water conditions before each outing, and make sure everyone is properly equipped.

Let’s stay attentive so that the passion for kayaking remains a source of pleasure and not of danger.




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