Case of the missing persons of Nérac: The trial of an alleged murderer of her two children and many unanswered questions

Case of the missing persons of Nérac: The trial of an alleged murderer of her two children and many unanswered questions
Case of the missing persons of Nérac: The trial of an alleged murderer of her two children and many unanswered questions

the essential
Today the trial of Naïma Bel Allam opens before the Lot-et-Garonne Assize Court. It will take place in Agen until Thursday June 20. A trial for murder of his two little daughters, whose bodies were never found.

The so-called trial of the missing people of Nérac begins this Monday, June 17 in Agen and will last four days, until Thursday, June 20. In this case, Naïma Bel Allam, a 57-year-old mother, is on trial for the alleged murder of her two severely disabled little daughters Inès and Nawal, who were 13 and 12 years old at the time. But did the accused really kill her two children? This is what the judges and juries will try to clarify.

In this affair, the questions are legion and still persist to this day. We just know that the two little girls have not given any sign of life since December 2016. No one has seen the little girls, alive or dead, for seven and a half years. So why is the accused judged for aggravated intentional homicide, and not for neglect of minors, knowing that no body has ever been found?

The highly anticipated testimony of the mother

Naïma Bel Allam has always denied the murder. She continued to claim that she had left her two children with a third party. During her first hearing, the latter said she left her daughters with relatives living in Morocco. Then, the fifty-year-old, who was an accountant by trade, changed her version by claiming to have entrusted her two children to a couple on a motorway rest area in Spain, on March 15, 2017.

During this trial before the Lot-et-Garonne assizes, the testimony of Inès and Nawal’s mother will be eagerly awaited. Will Naïma Bel Allam confess to the murder during the debates? Or will she remain silent in the silence encountered by the investigators and the three investigating judges who followed one another? In this case, many do not have too many illusions about the confessions of the accused.

The hearing of investigators will also be awaited. Because, here too, questions persist about the way in which the investigations were carried out. Why was the disappearance reported in spring 2017 when the little ones had not been seen since the end of 2016? Why was Inès and Nawal’s father only interviewed for the first time in July 2017, more than six months after the disappearance? Many questions which should be raised by the defense lawyers, Mes Sophie Grolleau and Patrick Lamarque, during the debates.



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