Students show the continents

Students show the continents
Students show the continents

The third edition of the exhibition produced by the children of the Trois Champs school, in Lavault-Sainte-Anne, on the theme “The five continents”, is not a simple school event.

It is also the visual result of the work carried out throughout the year by the teaching team led by Haïffa Makhoul. A celebration and a source of pride also for the eighty-nine schoolchildren who were able to show their parents and the public the results of their artistic efforts.

“Views of the world constitute a beautiful cultural journey”

From the small section to CM2, budding artists worked on materials and techniques to express visual arts, geometry, geography and children’s literature. There is general agreement that the five continents are well represented by beautiful creations such as the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, Aboriginal masks or Chinese and Japanese shadows.

“The views on the world constitute a beautiful cultural journey,” commented the director, Haïffa Makhoul.

Tiphaine Couty, kingpin of the exhibitions at La Charité, considers “this exhibition to be the most beautiful of the three editions. It is not the room that beautifies your work, but it is your creations that beautify these places.”

Finally, the mayor, Samir Triki, expressed a particular interest “in Aboriginal art, because it highlights the transmission of values ​​and tradition, which allows man to build himself. Humans need to know where they come from.”

Practical. The exhibition is visible until 1 er July at the rural social center, at La Charité, Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free entry. Contact:



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