Top 14. UBB still there in the semi-finals

Top 14. UBB still there in the semi-finals
Top 14. UBB still there in the semi-finals

Lhe final phases are underway and the Union Bordeaux-Bègles was able to rise to the occasion. In the four years since they have tasted these decisive spring matches, the Bordelais have always known how to force the play-offs. As in 2022, they dismissed Racing 92 (31-17) this Sunday evening at Chaban-Delmas to invite themselves for the fourth time to the big semi-final party which will take place this year at Matmut Atlantique. At home, or almost. This next big meeting has guided Yannick Bru’s men throughout the season. They are there. Finally. And they don’t want to stop there.

After seeing the door to the final slammed in their face three times, they will try to break this new glass ceiling against Stade Français next Saturday (9:05 p.m.). Driven by the desire to register a first line on its record, the UBB is only two victories away from the Brennus. But she knows too well that the next steps will be very high.

The effectiveness of mauls

Home appointments always put a little more pressure on your shoulders. UBB undoubtedly felt it this Sunday against Racing 92 during a slightly tense first period. Singled out for her lack of commitment on several occasions this season, she was able to raise the cursor in this area to brand her opponent, particularly on carried balls, before stepping on the accelerator in the second half. In the absence of Jalibert, Lucu took his responsibilities and Garcia proved that he could take over at the opening in this type of meeting.

The start of the match came down to a scoring duel between Lucu and Tedder who settled the target from 40, 50 or 60 meters (6-6). The first lightning came from Tambwe. Hero of the play-off in Lyon last year, the Congolese winger, well served by Buros, stepped on the gas and beat two defenders to score the first try of the match (11-6, 19e). The UBB remained under threat but could count on the good defensive return from Depoortere on a counterattack from Fickou (25e), and on Gibert’s forward on a pass for Habosi who was heading straight for the try… refused on video (35e).

The Gironde club will participate in its fourth Top 14 semi-finals

The intensity was worthy of a final phase match. The UBB also lost Tameifuna, hit in the right arm (32e). But the Bordelais stood firm in the fight and put Racing to torture on the balls carried. One of them pushed Woki to make a mistake and receive a yellow card (40e). The next propelled Lamothe into the goal for Girondin’s second try just before the break (21-12, 40e+1). At the restart, Bielle-Biarrey replaced Penaud (stomach problems, he returned at the end of the match). The Bordeaux residents maintained their hold, and took off once and for all. Lucu adjusted a kick in the Ile-de-France goal, and Buros, on reception, scored the third try (31-12, 52e).

The 4th semi-finals

Racing 92 did not want to give up, having qualified at the last minute. After a counter ruck in their 22 meters, the Ciel et Blanc started a counter-attack by Tedder and concluded by Spring in the Girondin goal (31-17, 67e). But UBB managed the end of the match, victory could no longer escape them.

The Gironde club will therefore participate in its fourth Top 14 semi-finals next Saturday against Stade Français. At Matmut Atlantique, he will have the advantage of being supported by his audience. But he will have to defeat the Pink Soldiers against whom he lost twice during the regular season. After three failures at the gates of the final, the Bordelais will try to pass this milestone. History of being able to dream of something bigger.

The notes

8/10 Tatafu, Tambwe
7/10 Buros, Moefana, Lucu, Vergnes, Cazeaux, Lamothe
6/10 Poirot, Tameifuna, Coleman, Diaby, Garcia, Depoortere
5/10 Sheepish



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