Erik ten Hag thinks Manchester United have ‘the best manager’ – England – Manchester United

Erik ten Hag thinks Manchester United have ‘the best manager’ – England – Manchester United
Erik ten Hag thinks Manchester United have ‘the best manager’ – England – Manchester United

The best melons are found in the Netherlands.

It’s no secret that Manchester United have been looking to part ways with Erik ten Hag in recent weeks. The Dutch coach will not, however, leave the Red Devils, surely saved by the surprise victory in the FA Cup against Manchester City and the inability of his club to find a replacement for him. After a well-deserved vacation following another grueling season, he revealed to Dutch television channel NOS that a discussion with his management had resulted in a contract extension. “But we still have to find an agreement”he warns, as if to reassure certain supporters who still hope to see him leave.

Erik ten Hag did not shy away from talking about a potential change on the Mancunian bench. “ It’s no secret: everyone heard that they spoke to several candidates. In the Netherlands this is not done. You don’t even have the right to speak to another club if there is a coach in place. In England, the rules and laws are different. But in the end they came to the conclusion that they had the best coach.”he smiled.

So that’s what we call laughter orange ?

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