breakage and fire rue Crébillon

breakage and fire rue Crébillon
breakage and fire rue Crébillon

This Thursday, June 13, rather clever thieves robbed the Maty jewelry store on rue Crébillon in Nantes. After gaining a foothold in the apartment located on the second floor, around 7 a.m. they pierced the floor to gain access to the jewelry store and conscientiously emptied it before setting fire to the apartment, located at 2 rue Crébillon. As for the damage to the jewelry store, it could reach 200,000 euros, including several tens of thousands of euros of stolen goods.

The fire, extinguished on the 13th by the firefighters, would have restarted in the night around 1:15 a.m. – the firefighters were deployed in large numbers on the streets Contrescarpe and Crébillon where the building and its outbuildings overlook, in order to avoid a serious disaster. of that of the fire of the Passage de la Châtelaine. At 11 a.m., the fire was finally contained, at the cost of one firefighter injured and six homes destroyed; the fire started again in the same place as the day before. An investigation has been opened to determine whether this is a resumption or a new arson.

Cultural enrichment » in the Angolan community

Furthermore, a man was arrested in Paris following a rape committed on June 9 in Nantes on a guest at a birthday party in the Angolan community. He offered to accommodate her, then according to the victim attempted to rape her by threatening her with a knife. The victim bites him and escapes; the alleged rapist flees and is arrested at the Bercy bus station, as he gets off a bus from Nantes and is about to take another for Dortmund in Germany.


Photo credit: DR

[cc] Breizh-info.com2024, dispatches free to copy and distribute subject to mention and link to the original source



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