Want to discover nautical hiking? A day is organized at the Virgin Island lighthouse, Saturday

Want to discover nautical hiking? A day is organized at the Virgin Island lighthouse, Saturday
Want to discover nautical hiking? A day is organized at the Virgin Island lighthouse, Saturday

Saturday June 22, 2024, the town of Lilia, in Plouguerneau (Finistère) will be the scene of a beautiful nautical event, “rich in discovery and sensations, which promises to delight lovers of dinghy sailing and roaming”, announces Audrey Cousquer, manager of the Norzh eco lodge, based in Lilia and partner of this day.

A flotilla made up of around twenty dinghies (Vaurien, Caravelles, Mirror, Gull, Cornish Crabber Cormorant, etc.) will attempt to circumnavigate the Virgin Island, accompanied by the Plouguerneau Nautical Club. For lovers of beautiful shows, this nautical ballet will be visible from the tip of Kastell Ac’h.

“The GR34 by sea! »

The day is organized by the Puffins Trek company, based in North Finistère, which organizes coastal hikes. It also sells and rents dinghies. This initiative aims to promote a different form of pleasure. By freeing ourselves from port infrastructures, thanks to small transportable and nomadic sailboats, nautical hiking allows us to rediscover our coasts in a simpler and more ecological way. explains Diego Le Grelle, manager of Puffins Trek.

Nautical hiking is a practice that really stands out from pleasure boating as it is practiced in France., adds his sidekick Florence Coroner. Like hikers who follow the GR or the cycle route, this form of navigation allows you to bivouac, go to lodges or campsites. Over one or more days, we follow the coastline: the GR34 by sea in short! »

“Popular in England and Scandinavia”

The afternoon nautical trip will be followed by a discussion around this practice. In the presence of Roger Barnes, president of the Dinghy Cruising Association, the exchange will highlight this type of cabotage, popular in England and Scandinavia, as well as its similarities with the coasts of the Abers country and the Lilia archipelago. Territory perfectly suited to this form of roaming to explore Finistère between land and sea”, summarizes the host of the meeting, Aufrey Cousquer.

Saturday June 22, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., nautical hike around Kastell Ac’h, in Lilia, Plouguerneau. At 9 p.m.: Discussion session at the Norzh eco-lodge (Reun district). Information on www.puffins-trek.fr/rando-nautique or [email protected] and wwww.norzh-ecogite.bzh or [email protected]



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