When Obama talks about condemning Trump

Upon his return from Europe, where he participated in the ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings and at the G7 summit, Joe Biden landed in Hollywood on Saturday, where he raised $28 million, a record sum for the Party Democrat according to his campaign team, with the help of several stars, including George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbara Streisand. He also took part alongside Barack Obama in an interview hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. Obama took the opportunity to discuss the recent conviction of his successor in the White House.

“Part of what has happened in recent years is that we have normalized behavior that was previously unacceptable,” he said. “We have the spectacle of the candidate of one of the two major parties in court where he is convicted by a jury of his peers on 34 counts. His foundation is not allowed to operate because it engaged in questionable maneuvers and was not truly philanthropic. His company is being sued for not paying taxes. […] There was a time when we shared certain fundamental values. We believed in basic honesty. We believed in paying our taxes. We were convinced that we should not make fun of [des prisonniers de guerre], that we should not try to politicize our army and that we must respect the vote. »

Obama continued by asserting that Biden embodied and will continue to embody these values ​​to which Trump and the Republicans have turned their backs, according to him. While the first black president spoke, Donald Trump was courting black voters in a Detroit church. He focused on one of his favorite subjects, crime, ignoring the “historic” decline in violent crime, including homicides, according to the most recent FBI data.

“Look, crime is most rampant here and in African-American communities,” Trump told members of an audience where blacks were not in the majority according to the court’s account. Washington Post. “More and more people see me and say, ‘Sir, we want to be protected. We want the police to protect us. We don’t want to be robbed, attacked, beaten or killed because we want to cross the street to buy bread.” »

Trump later spoke to Charlie Kirk’s conservative group Turning Point USA at the same convention center where his supporters called for an end to Detroit’s 2020 ballot counting. He notably challenged Biden to submit a cognitive assessment. Ironically, he was mistaken in mentioning the name of the doctor who allegedly gave him such a test at the White House, Dr. Ronny Jackson, whom he called “Ronny Johnson.”

(AP Photo)

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