Lorina Essomba: the first Cameroonian gold medalist makes revelations about the Ministry of Sports

Lorina Essomba: the first Cameroonian gold medalist makes revelations about the Ministry of Sports
Lorina Essomba: the first Cameroonian gold medalist makes revelations about the Ministry of Sports

Lorina Essomba Mbega, the first Cameroonian fencing gold medalist, received congratulations from the president of Fécafoot, Samuel Eto’o.

In a recent interview on the media “Come on lions”the young gold medalist revealed that there was a lack of total support from the Cameroonian authorities during this competition.

“Regarding MINSEP, I was neither contacted nor accompanied by them.

Really for this preparation and the Olympic qualification and the African championship, I had no support from MINSEP.

It’s just my efforts, my coach who gave me a lot of time. He tried to prepare me as best as possible. The president of the federation who was on the lookout to find out what competition I was going to do.

And then, there was the support of my club too, which financed my world cups throughout the season and the federation which financed the official tournaments and championships. Of course, I have the support of my loved ones, my family, my friends, my partner.

But really, on this side (MINSEP) I was not accompanied at all. To the point that for the Olympic qualifying tournament taking place in Algiers, I had to open a kitty in Letchi where I collected the necessary amount to be able to pay for my travel and that of my coach.

For the moment, I haven’t had any congratulations from MINSEP either, on the other hand there is Samuel Eto’o who congratulated me on his Instagram story.

Afterwards, I saw that there were quite a few bloggers who encouraged and congratulated me, a lot of people who commented. Many thanks, it really makes me happy.

And that motivates me to do even more.

Even from the government, I didn’t get any congratulations or encouragement.

In any case for the moment, I haven’t received anything, but I’m not going to stop there.

I will continue to do what I have always known how to do, train, work on my side and then try to shine in the next events in the next season,” said Lorina Essomba Mbega.

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