Marcus Thuram: “Go vote and fight every day so that the RN does not pass”, “the situation is sad, very serious”

Marcus Thuram: “Go vote and fight every day so that the RN does not pass”, “the situation is sad, very serious”
Marcus Thuram: “Go vote and fight every day so that the RN does not pass”, “the situation is sad, very serious”

The player from the French team clearly took a position this Saturday, June 15, against the far-right party and called for people to vote in the next legislative elections (June 29-30 and July 6-7).

It was expected and Marcus Thuram did not have to prolong the suspense. From the first question of the press conference, this Saturday in Paderborn, the winger or center forward of the Blues displayed his opposition to the National Rally, which came first in the last European elections and favorite in the next legislative elections (June 29-30 and July 6-7).

We know your political commitments. What is your view on the political situation in France?

She is sad, very serious. I learned that after Canada. We were all a little shocked in the locker room. This is the sad reality of society today. I think there are messages conveyed every day on TV to help this party pass. As Ousmane (Dembélé) said, We must go and vote, tell everyone to go and vote and above all that as citizens, you, me, we must fight on a daily basis to prevent this from happening again. , so that the RN does not pass.

Do you talk about this political situation within the French team? Do you need to convince, to explain that you need to vote?

I do not think so. In the French team, I hope that everyone shares the same opinion as me. I understand that some players come to just say go vote. But that is not enough, we must say the seriousness of the situation and how we got there.

“I have to send certain messages”

You have a large community on the networks. Do you feel invested with a role of example for young people?

Yes. It’s not very complicated to express yourself on this. It comes from my upbringing, from my personality. And as an example, I know that many follow me on the networks. So I have to convey certain messages.

You recently said that as a child, you didn’t like the position of N.9. For what ? And what relationship do you have with Olivier Giroud who yesterday said he was passing the torch to you?

I have great admiration for the player. I was still at Clairefontaine as a youngster, I saw him score. Being able to meet him on a daily basis is an honor. He’s done so much for this team. I make the most of it to steal all his secrets (laughing). He doesn’t want to tell me everything but I will succeed! It’s an honor to see the Blues’ top scorer on a daily basis.

For the position, I started last year. I’m coming out of my second year with Inter. It went well. I still have a lot to learn but it’s an exciting role.

The rise of racism is also seen in Italy with a far-right government. Does this concern you? Is it complicated for you on a daily basis?

You’re right, it’s a big problem, it’s global. We saw him in Italy with Mike (Maignan) in the stadiums. Personally, it’s not a problem directly, because I’m a football player, that people recognize me in the street. But I know it’s a problem for thousands of black people in Italy. So it becomes that for me too.

“We must fight so that the RN does not pass”

Blues striker Marcus Thuram took a very firm position against the National Rally, which came first in the European elections on Sunday.

— THE TEAM (@lequipe)

You said it, some of your teammates do not agree to talk about the political situation. By your education, you are more comfortable. Did you talk about it with your father Lillian who had also taken a position in the past, notably against Jean-Marie Le Pen? Does it encourage you to speak up?

My father doesn’t encourage me to do anything except be a well-behaved boy. But growing up with him, talking with him, I feel responsible for keeping these kinds of messages.

Do you have any doubts about the fact that everyone shares your opinion at the Blues? Do you want to send a common message with the Blues?

I have no doubt that everyone shares my vision on things in the France team. But we are in a free country, everyone must do what they feel. I am in front of you, I say things, others prefer to say nothing. I respect everyone’s desire to be free. For initiative, it’s up to everyone to see how they want to manage it. I’m not here to force anyone to say things, even if they think so. Some are more modest. I’m here because thanks to my father I have enough control over this situation to be able to talk about it.

You said that things are being done to raise the National Rally. What do you think ?

I don’t want to mention any particular show. But when I turn on my TV in Italy and I see certain debates, I think that things are being done to raise the RN.



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