“What will become of our dogs?”, saturated and in deficit, the Bordeaux SPA is worried about its future

“What will become of our dogs?”, saturated and in deficit, the Bordeaux SPA is worried about its future
“What will become of our dogs?”, saturated and in deficit, the Bordeaux SPA is worried about its future

The Bordeaux SPA has a deficit of €450,000. A first for the Gironde animal protection association which is sounding the alarm. Amid rising costs and rising adoptions, the center calls for generosity.

In their box, they bark and run in circles from the first steps of future adopters. In the Bordeaux SPA shelter, 250 dogs and 100 cats are waiting for their future owners. These animals, abandoned by individuals or seized by the pound, are becoming more and more numerous every month.

250 dogs are welcomed into the Bordeaux structure each year.

© France 3 Aquitaine

However, the last home of these animals is on the verge of collapse. This year, the structure, independent of the national SPA, has a deficit of €450,000. The cause is costs that have exploded. “We have a big increase in energy, food has taken 30%, and there are also veterinary costs,” explains Caroline Pham, the general secretary of the Bordeaux SPA. Costs which are added to those of the staff, which are also increasing. Here, 25 people are employed throughout the year to operate the structure.

Just upon its arrival, a dog costs the structure €550 because it is treated, identified and vaccinated.

Amanda Pirois

President of the Bordeaux SPA

Each year, the structure must operate with 1.6 million euros. If the deficit widens, itis because of a scissors effect: to the increase in costs is added a drop in revenue. “The money we receive only comes from donations, legacies or life insurance. We have no subsidies”indicates Caroline Pham.

Without financial recovery, the Bordeaux SPA is worried about its future. “What do we do with our dogs?” asks the general secretary of the structure. For this year, the shelter will “draw on your reserves”.

To try to absorb demand, the Bordeaux SPA now installs two dogs per box. Abandonments, widespread throughout the year, accumulate. Adoptions are at half mast. “They are runaway, hyperactive dogs. Malinois or staff who often do not correspond to the profile that adopters are looking for”, recognizes Caroline Pham.

We accepted 158 dogs this year. If we had to accept all requests, we would have received 500!

Caroline Pham

Secretary General of the SPA of Bordeaux

More “complicated” cases, usually generated by a lack of education or anticipation of their previous owners. “They are not sufficiently prepared to train an animal. There is also a fashion effect on certain breeds of dogs, but as soon as they present a behavioral problem, they are abandoned”regrets Amanda Pirois, the president of the SPA of Gironde.

The only bright spot in this dark picture is that the adoption of cats and kittens remains stable. If concern has now gripped the structure, their situation echoes those of the whole of France.



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