Feminist strike of June 14: should we revalorize domestic work? – rts.ch

Feminist strike of June 14: should we revalorize domestic work? – rts.ch
Feminist strike of June 14: should we revalorize domestic work? – rts.ch

Women generally devote around 10 hours more per week to domestic and family work than men, according to the latest figures from the OFS for the year 2020. On the agenda for the June 14 strike, among other demands, everywhere across Switzerland, women will demonstrate for greater valorization of this “free work”. And you what do you think? Come and discuss it with dialogue, an offer from the SSR.

According to the OFS, in 2020, women overall spent around 10 hours more per week on domestic and family work than men. As men still do not take an equitable part in these unpaid tasks, the question of the revalorization of domestic work is raised this June 14 – among other questions (violence, salary inequalities, discrimination).

From the refinancing of nurseries to reduce the educational burden on mothers to the revaluation of women’s pensions to compensate for this “free work”, many ideas are put on the table by women. And you what do you think? Come and debate it on our online discussion space, moderated in the four national languages ​​and in English.

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Published at 07:01 Amended at 10:47



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