Floods in Ivory Coast: Marie-Paule Adje’s vehicle damaged

Floods in Ivory Coast: Marie-Paule Adje’s vehicle damaged
Floods in Ivory Coast: Marie-Paule Adje’s vehicle damaged

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Ivorian columnist and influencer Marie-Paule Adje was struck by misfortune after the heavy rain which fell on Abidjan this Thursday, June 13, 2024.

The night of Thursday June 13 to Friday June 14, 2024 was marked by torrential rain which submerged Abidjan, the economic capital of Côte d’Ivoire. As after every flood, the city found itself in a chaotic state, with flooded neighborhoods and overflowing water reservoirs. The Autonomous District of Abidjan as well as several surrounding towns and in the interior of the country have been under water since Thursday. This heavy rain caused enormous material damage and unfortunately, loss of human life.

Among the many victims of this natural disaster, Ivorian columnist and actress Marie Paule Adjé was also affected. In a message published on her Facebook page, Marie Paule Adjé announced that her vehicle had been damaged by water. “ Please take care of yourself. My car was not lucky unfortunately. But please stay at home as a precaution“, she wrote, expressing her concern for the safety of her compatriots.

The neighborhoods most affected by flooding include Adjamé, Bingerville, Cocody, Yopougon and Abobo. Rising water levels followed by landslides caused considerable damage, affecting many vehicles and devastating infrastructure. Marie Paule Adjé’s vehicle unfortunately did not escape the fury of the waters.



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