“Let’s make the love and energy that the public brings us a strength”, David Ribbans excited to find Mayol before the play-off against La Rochelle

“Let’s make the love and energy that the public brings us a strength”, David Ribbans excited to find Mayol before the play-off against La Rochelle
“Let’s make the love and energy that the public brings us a strength”, David Ribbans excited to find Mayol before the play-off against La Rochelle

To the point (while his contract ran until 2026), that the RCT is seeking at all costs to lock him down in recent weeks. It’s done, since the South African second line (but English international, with 10 caps) extended with Toulon yesterday for two additional seasons (until 2028). At 28 years old, this indisputable framework of the Mignoni system is therefore part of the long term with the RCT.

After 26 days of an extended season, the RCT will finally return to the final phase. A first since 2018. We imagine there is some relief?

Relief no, ambition yes. The top 6 was the minimum. We had to at least aim for the top 4 to receive this play-off at home, and here we are. Despite the difficulties of winter, Pierre [Mignoni, directeur du rugby du RCT] never lowered our objectives. We saw the potential of this group, and it’s clear that when we play at our best level, we can compete with anyone.

And in particular with La Rochelle, a team renowned as the most brutal in the championship?

La Rochelle offers a very physical, very direct game, likes to play contact, challenge you, come and get you, send crosses at full speed… So what? It’s up to us to put the right energy on the pitch. Above all, let’s not focus on La Rochelle, but on what we want to put in place. The only priority is Toulon. Yes, it’s going to be tough, but we have the qualities to respond.

We talk about this match at Mayol as the one of the decade for the RCT. What do you think?

I haven’t been here long enough, but I do indeed feel that we have entered a special week. When we see the look in Pierre’s eyes, the players at the club for years, our colleagues who work in the offices, we see excitement. It’s an important week for the club, for the city, for our supporters. And this morning [entretien réalisé lundi]I saw in the guys’ eyes that everyone was ready.

You participated in several finals with Northampton. How to manage these weeks, which can be long?

You have to be “cold”, not play the match on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, but on Saturday. The objective is to gain strength. We must set a framework for ourselves, and respect it, because if our peak of form occurs on Tuesday, it is because we made a mistake. Balance is sometimes difficult to find, but you have to maintain the energy and the desire.

Should you be confident? Or increase the pressure level?

I don’t believe we need to change our way of being. Yes, it’s a great match against a team used to these meetings, but what’s the point of putting more pressure on yourself? It’s important to stay ourselves, to enjoy these moments. The club hadn’t played in a final tournament for years, so let’s not trivialize it. This week, I want to see smiles, guys happy with the moment they’re having. And I know that we will change the moment we enter the pitch, also because we know what we want to put in place, and we know our qualities. You will have to find the balance between confidence and humility, while appreciating every moment. Especially since the whole city will be behind us. It will be intense.

Precisely, after years of scarcity, the public will undoubtedly be there…

One day, when I was chatting with president Bernard Lemaitre, he took me into his office to show me a photo of the city center on the day the club won its first Brennus in the 1930s [en 1931]. And another from the city in 2014, after the double. And then I said to myself: “In this city, there is a particular, unique energy”. I want to taste that. I dream every night of bringing so much happiness to our audience. And even if the hardest part remains to be done, we can get closer this week… Between the Pilou Pilou, the walk from the bus to the locker room and the match, Saturday promises to be electric. I have goosebumps…

And at the same time, this heritage sometimes seems heavy to carry…

On the contrary, the history of the club is rich, so we must make it a strength, realize what our elders have achieved. They wore this jersey so high, it’s crazy to believe, and we must never forget it. Now, this group wants to make a name for itself, to be THE generation that will bring Toulon back to the top. The RCT has evolved a lot over the past ten years, and I am convinced that we can dream big.

How can you not let yourself be inhibited by the stakes and the atmosphere?

We will have to maintain our self-control. And if everyone does their job, I know we won’t be far away. Of course the elimination matches add spice, but if we play like we have learned to do since the start of the season, everything will go well. As for the atmosphere, let’s make the love and energy that the public brings us a force. Will the stadium be crazy? So much the better: he will push for us, and put pressure on the shoulders of the Rochelais.

To talk about the game, after a complicated winter, the team has managed to change its face since March. What happened?

I often wonder how we were able to experience so many twists and turns in a single season (laughs). There have been very highs, very lows, but fortunately, we arrive at our best at the decisive moment of the season. What has changed? At the end of the most complicated period [10 en 13 matchs, de décembre à mars], the group took its responsibilities. We talked a lot with the staff, to say what we felt on the pitch, but also to express our self-criticism. We had to admit that we weren’t doing everything right. Let us question ourselves. So, everyone proposed solutions, and we put back the structure, took the time to ask questions of the staff. Above all, we chose a course and we followed it. Now everyone knows exactly what is expected of them. And all the players, from 1 to 23, and even those who are not on the scoresheet, are heading in the same direction. If we add a lot of trust between each player, it becomes much simpler on the pitch. Over time we have become dangerous.

Personally, during the hardest part of the season, did you have any doubts?

Since my arrival, I have believed in this project. I know we can win the Top 14. I have this conviction every morning when I enter the locker room. We have talent, workers, determined guys. And even though there was a frustrating period for everyone, because we weren’t able to give the best of this group, I never doubted.

Nor regretted having joined Toulon?

I made an incredible decision by coming to Toulon. I love the club, I want to be part of the project, I am in love with the public and then I know that we are building something lasting. And I believe this team can do something in the very near future. I have no regrets.



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