Nantes: the burglarized jewelry store building is the victim of a new fire

Nantes: the burglarized jewelry store building is the victim of a new fire
Nantes: the burglarized jewelry store building is the victim of a new fire


Nicholas Heas

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 9:46 a.m.
; updated June 14, 2024 at 11:24 a.m.

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[Mise à jour le 14/06/24 à 11h19 : Selon le département d’incendie et de secours le feu « est circonscrit ». « Des reconnaissances » sont en cours pour repérer les potentiels « foyers résiduels ». Neuf personnes ont été évacuées et un pompier légèrement blessé. 500 personnes ont été privées d’électricité pendant plusieurs heures « avec un impact important sur l’activité commerciale du secteur ». Sur les 125 pompiers dépêchés sur les lieux, 83 sont encore sur place ]

Already affected by a fire on the second floor Thursday June 13the same building is once again affected by a similar tragedy.

Around 1:12 a.m., this Friday June 14, 2024the firefighters intervened to a new fire in this building at 2 rue Crébillon in Nantes.

The same building as the robbed jewelry store

At 9:30 a.m., the 100 firefighters sent to the scene were still working to stop this fire, which was much larger than the day before. This time, it spread to all floors, including the attic.

This is the same building where individuals robbed a jewelry store Thursday passing through the second floor, before setting the latter on fire.

Contacted, the Nantes prosecutor, Renaud Gaudeul, indicates that “an investigation is open to determine whether this is a new voluntary act or a resumption of fire”.

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