Tunisia: crude oil production falls by 13% (4 months 2024)

Tunisia: crude oil production falls by 13% (4 months 2024)
Tunisia: crude oil production falls by 13% (4 months 2024)

Tunisian national production of crude oil fell by 13% at the end of April 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, to reach 449 kilotons, according to the monthly report on the energy situation published by the National Energy Observatory and mines (Onem).

This decline affects several fields, namely Gherib (-36%), Ouedzar (-76%), Nawara (-25%), MLD (-25%), Ashtart (9%), Baraka (-52%) and El -Hajeb/Guebiba (-11%).

On the other hand, other fields recorded increases in production, namely Sidi Marzoug (+14%), Bir Ben Tartar (+70%), Sidi Litayem (+26%) and Adam (+1%).

Average daily oil production fell from 33,7000 b/d at the end of April 2023 to 29,700 b/d at the end of April 2024.

Natural gas resources decrease by 21%

Natural gas resources (domestic production + fiscal package) reached 715 ktoe at the end of April 2024, down 21% compared to the same period last year.

Dry commercial gas production decreased by 30% and the royalty for the transit of Algerian gas decreased by 5% to 316 ktoe at the end of April 2024 compared to the end of April 2023.

Furthermore, the distribution of the total royalty between the royalty transferred to Steg and the exported royalty shows that the majority is transferred to Steg (85%).

The flat-rate tax on the transit of Algerian gas decreased significantly in the first half of 2020, the pandemic which particularly hit Europe and Italy having had a major impact on energy demand and therefore on the volume of gas transiting from there. ‘Algeria to Italy via Tunisia.

However, the situation improved from July 2020 and continued to improve in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Algerian gas purchases fall by 5% to 683 ktoe between the end of April 2023 and the end of April 2024.

Domestic gas supplies decrease by 9% to 1,352 ktoe between the end of April 2023 and the end of April 2024.

According to Tap.



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