the dilemma of Macronist voters in the event of a LFI-RN ​​second round in the legislative elections

the dilemma of Macronist voters in the event of a LFI-RN ​​second round in the legislative elections
the dilemma of Macronist voters in the event of a LFI-RN ​​second round in the legislative elections

Many voters in the presidential camp find themselves waiting while most of their candidates risk being eliminated in the first round of voting.

A difficult choice. A little more than two weeks before the early legislative elections which are to be held on June 30 and July 7, a new Elabe poll for BFMTV and La Tribune Dimanche broadcast on Wednesday June 12 indicates that the presidential majority would only collect 18% of the votes, a score located far from those of the RN (31%) and the alliance of left and environmental parties (28%).

A situation which deeply concerns Macronist and center voters, who fear, in many constituencies, the elimination of their candidate in the first round and the possibility of a duel between the RN and LFI in the second.

In Bouscat, in Gironde, one of the only French communes to have placed Renaissance candidate Valérie Hayer in the lead in the European elections, the predictions are going well. “I’m abstaining, I won’t vote. I have nothing to do with it, it’s not my opinion,” a resident explains to us.

“I think, without being rude, that it’s stupid. I sincerely hope that I don’t have to think about who I’m going to vote for,” adds a jeweler from this town of just over 23,000 inhabitants.

Dividing subject

In the presidential camp precisely, the time is not for choice either. Invited on CNews on Thursday, the Ministry of the Interior Gérald Darmanin assured that he “would not vote for the candidates of La France insoumise” and that he “would not vote for the candidates of the National Rally” in the event of a duel between both parties.

“Their betrayal of the deep values ​​of our country, of the police officers and gendarmes they shoot in the back, is morally and politically unacceptable,” he said about La France insoumise.

Among Republicans, the subject remains divisive. While their now ex-president Éric Ciotti announced an alliance with the RN for the election, the president of the Senate Gérard Larcher for his part advocated abstention in the event of a duel between LFI and the RN.

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