8 years required against Perez

8 years required against Perez
8 years required against Perez

Attorney General Bertrand Baboulène calls for the acquittal of the accused in the attempted assassination of Raymond Houlonne. On the other hand, he calls for convictions for “criminal conspiracy”. The verdict is expected this Friday evening…

Before the Gard Assize Court, four of the five profiles are similar according to Attorney General Bertrand Baboulène who stands up for his requisitions. “Profiles of serious delinquency, people who live dangerously. (…) They have enemies, there are temporary agreements and from there there is war “, he believes. For the fifth accused it is a little thug “who doesn’t have the scale” others.

A police officer facing a shotgun

The representative of the general prosecutor’s office has a thought for the police officer who was the victim of the shooting: “ It was a real trauma, he was threatened by a man who had a shotgun. He thought of a young son he had just had. For him, even if the facts are ten years old, they are very present in his life.”

The public prosecutor then goes into the facts of that evening and the behavior of the man who decided to flee without waiting for the decision of the Assize Court… ” He understood Belluire (…) he is an expert in legal matters with numerous convictions », attacks Bertrand Baboulène. He is stuck with his DNA at the scene in Vacquerolles. Belluire, from Lyon, questioned last night by the president, claimed not to know the Vacquerolles district… However, the judge pointed out to him that he had already been sentenced to court for the robbery, more than two decades ago, from the Intermarché… from Vacquerolles! Silence for Belluire who evokes a police plot.

A man was arrested on site, this February 22, 2013, it is Mammad. Another, Belluire, is confused by his DNA on the weapon and the door of the war car. “They were both there and they were arrested by the intervention of the police (…) the shot fired by Mr. Belluire does not involve the other accused.” insists Bertrand Baboulène.

A new version, a smokescreen

And the attorney general continues with the new version of Hakim Mammad who explains, eleven years after the events, that he wanted to rob a jeweler that evening. That the target, according to him, was not Raymond Houlonne whom he did not know, but a jeweler. “The robbery of a jeweler is a defense strategy to clear the other accused present here. A sacrificial declaration. Because it was Mammad who made the error of the SMS, the error which allows us to go back to Perez and Alouache (…) Last minute declarations which are more detrimental to the accused, they are full of implausibilities. (…) We throw up smoke screens, but it’s wind, it’s to hide the investigation elements“, estimates the attorney general who then details the DNA which confuses certain protagonists and the text messages sent between them… “Sms are very important in this matter (…) I don’t believe in redemption for people with long criminal records. This is organized crime.”

No attempted assassination of Raymond Houlonne but an association of criminals

On the first criminal act, that of the attempted assassination of Raymond Houlonne, “we are not in an assassination attempt, we are not in the beginning of the execution. We are in the criminal association, an agreement on a criminal project (…) I ask you to acquit all of the accused for the assassination attempt and complicity in the assassination attempt and to hold for Belluire and Mammad the criminal association”.

Regarding Djemel K? “I don’t have anything to hang him on, he runs the café at the meeting place, he has no connection with the others and I ask you to acquit him.” indicates the general advocate. Belluire, for his part, is retained by the attorney general for the “attempted murder of police officer‘”. He is an accused absent this Friday: “He is the one who risks the most and he understands it“. 30 years of criminal imprisonment are requested against him.

The other three defendants face 20 years for repeat offenses. “I take into account elements of personality and time. Perez is the common and central denominator, I demand 8 years against him, 8 years also for Mammad and 5 years of imprisonment for Alouache“, concludes the Advocate General.



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