what we know about the common program of the New Popular Front, before the joint press conference

what we know about the common program of the New Popular Front, before the joint press conference
what we know about the common program of the New Popular Front, before the joint press conference

What we know about the left agreement

Who wrote it? “Everyone put their all into it to have the clearest program (…), including on the qualification of the crimes which were committed on October 7” 2023 by Hamas in Israel, “but also on” the release of the hostages, assured Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF). The deputy from the North also mentioned the participation of Raphaël Glucksmann in its writing.

Who does it concern? Socialists, “rebels”, ecologists and communists are signatories to the agreement, as are Génération·s, Place publique and the New Anticapitalist Party-L’Anticapitaliste (NPA), but they will only obtain constituencies based on the respective quotas of Ecologists (EELV, 92), the Socialist Party (PS, 175) and La France insoumise (LFI, 229). Génération·s thus presents candidates in ten constituencies, including four where the party holds incumbents. The NPA, for its part, was still negotiating with LFI yesterday Thursday evening.

Which program ? The executives of the “big four” parties (PS, Les Ecologistes, LFI and PCF) refused to communicate any programmatic content when announcing the sealing of the agreement yesterday Thursday evening. But Fabien Roussel, on BFM-TV, let some proposals filter through, such as the immediate indexing of salaries and retirement pensions to inflation. “We have succeeded in putting forward a pact for purchasing power”also reported the outgoing communist deputy from the North, who also announced the repeal of Parcoursup and the establishment of a student income so that young people “are no longer obliged to go to work to pay for their studies”in the event of victory in the legislative elections.

Questioned this Friday morning, Raphaël Glucksmann assured that he had ” got “ the five conditions he had set to seal an agreement with the other parties: “An extremely clear commitment on arms deliveries to Ukraine, on Ukraine’s borders, on unwavering support for the Ukrainian resistance, support for European construction, that the attacks of October 7 [2023 en Israël] are qualified as terrorist and clearly terrorist massacres, a clear commitment to the fight against anti-Semitism, to the fight against the brutalization of public debate. »

Which possible prime minister? Jean-Luc Mélenchon and François Ruffin, outgoing LFI deputy from the Somme, said ” able[s] » to assume the function of head of government in the event of a majority in the National Assembly. But several voices were raised against the scenario of the leader of the “rebels” in Matignon. Raphaël Glucksmann stated that “it will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon”invoking that “We need a person who creates consensus within the groups that are there.”

The outgoing socialist MP Valérie Rabault had called for a “a female candidate”. Questioned by Agence France-Presse, she said she was thinking of the PS president of Occitanie Carole Delga, the rebellious “rebellious” MP Clémentine Autain and, ” why not “, to herself. On Monday, Raphaël Glucksmann put forward the name of Laurent Berger, former secretary general of the CFDT, without the latter commenting on this proposal.

What about Adrien Quatennens? The case of the outgoing “rebellious” deputy from the North, convicted of domestic violence, has not “not once mentioned”, assured Paul Vannier. A statement which goes against the remarks made by Fabien Roussel yesterday, according to which the question was raised in the discussion between the left-wing parties. ” We [communistes] we will not provide support to a convicted candidate”, he clarified. The “rebellious” deputy from the North, Ugo Bernalicis, does not see “no difficulty” for Adrien Quatennens to be a candidate.



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