New accident at Tilsitt quay in Lyon, a cyclist in critical condition

A safety rail is now installed on the Tilsitt and Maréchal Joffre quays, separating the lane reserved for buses and soft modes from that of motorists, who have lost a lane of traffic. (Credit Fabien Bagnon – Twitter)

A 20-year-old student is between life and death after being hit by a drunken motorist Tuesday evening on Quai Tilsitt (2nd arr.) in Lyon.

New accident on the Tilsitt quay. Tuesday, June 11 in the evening, a 20-year-old student was mowed down by a motorist who was driving at high speed and in a drunken state while she was cycling on the Tilsitt quay in Lyon, report our colleagues from Le Progrès. The victim, originally from Grenoble and residing in Lyon, was hospitalized “in critical condition.”

Read also: “How many deaths do you want?” : 2 years after the death of Iris and Warren in Lyon, the parents call on the Metropolis and the City

A blood alcohol level greater than 1.5g/L

According to witnesses at the scene, the motorist driving a Peugeot 208 entered the lane reserved for bicycles and buses and missed the turn at Quai Tilsitt, known to be particularly dangerous. The driver then lost control of his vehicle before hitting the young woman, thrown 30 meters further by the violence of the impact. The motorist, for his part, was only “slightly injured.”

The suspect was arrested once police arrived at the scene of the accident. At the time of screening, the blood alcohol level of this resident of Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon was greater than 1.5g/L. He was placed in a sobering up cell before being questioned while in police custody. He was referred to the Lyon public prosecutor’s office this Thursday, with a view to opening an investigation.

Read also: Lyon: Pierre Oliver requests the removal of the separator on the Tilsitt quay



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