Orano wants to resume service in Niger – DW – 06/13/2024

Orano wants to resume service in Niger – DW – 06/13/2024
Orano wants to resume service in Niger – DW – 06/13/2024

Orano (formerly Areva) will soon exploit the large Imouraren uranium deposit in Niger, with reserves estimated at 200,000 tonnes. Operation of this site, which began in 2015, was frozen due in particular to the fall in uranium prices on the world market, after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011.

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In March 2023, Matthieu Davrinche, director of Imouraren SA, indicated that the decision to exploit this deposit would be taken in 2028, after tests in 2024.

Orano currently operates a single uranium mine in Niger, Somaïr, in the Arlit region (north), after the closure of Cominak in 2021. Orano operates the only active uranium mine in Niger, supplying up to 17% of France’s uranium needs.

According to our information, the Russian state nuclear company Rosatom is seeking to take control of uranium assets currently held by the French company Orano in Niger. Niamey has reportedly started discussions to transfer the activities of Orano – formerly Areva – to the Russian nuclear agency, which the French group denies.

Click on the photo (above) to listen to the reaction of the general secretary of the national union of mining workers of Niger (SYNTRAMIN) Mounkaila Abassa.



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