What will the weather be like in and its surrounding areas on Friday November 8, 2024?

What will the weather be like in and its surrounding areas on Friday November 8, 2024?
What will the weather be like in Dax and its surrounding areas on Friday November 8, 2024?

This Friday, November 8, will rise under an overcast sky, but the temperature will be comparable to the day before. The wind will oscillate between 10 and 15 km/h, and it will blow from the North-East. At dawn, the thermometer will indicate 9°C, and will gradually rise between 8 a.m. and noon until it reaches 17°C.

The wind strength will still vary around 15 km/h throughout the afternoon, while the mercury will continue to rise between noon and 2 p.m. to 20°C. Wind direction will fluctuate during this period. The weather will still be overcast.

During the evening, the wind will continue to decrease between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. to reach approximately 5 km/h, and its direction will be unstable. The clouds will persist. The mercury will remain constant at 18°C.

During the night, the thermometer will gradually drop to 11°C around 6 a.m. The sky will be mainly overcast. The strength of the wind will evolve around 5 km/h, and its direction will be variable.

For tomorrow, the weather will be mostly overcast, with drizzle throughout the day. The air temperature will be mild: rising to 15°C on average, its maximum of 17°C will be reached around 3 p.m.

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