Yes to a Torree Protected Zone (ZTP)

Yes to a Torree Protected Zone (ZTP)
Yes to a Torree Protected Zone (ZTP)

Do you know the torrée? This name comes from the Latin torrere, “to roast”. An age-old practice in the canton of Neuchâtel, it consists, in the fall, of preparing a large fire in a pasture and cooking, under the embers, sausages wrapped in white cabbage and a sheet of local newspaper. It’s more difficult with the digital version of “Matin” except on Sunday ;-).

This tradition is obviously practiced in good company and often ends at night when all the food, solid or liquid, is exhausted.

Recently, during a meeting with friends, noting the presence of a measuring mast intended for the future installation of a wind turbine in the area, we began to discuss the importance of creating a new typology: the ZTP for Torree Protected Zone. Enough to prevent these large wind harvesters from spoiling the tranquility of this traditional recreational and gastronomic activity (and not just the few careless owls flying in the area!)

Because after all, meadows do have their PPS (Meadows and Dry Pastures of national importance), butterflies their SPB (Areas for the Promotion of Biodiversity), cheeses and sausages their AOP (Protected Designations of Origin)… so why Wouldn’t fans of torrée also be entitled to their own dedicated area?

The discussion dragging on and the darkness now spreading over the mountain, our small group finally got moving. And stumbling due to lack of battery and therefore light on the uneven terrain, a friend who is never short of arguments then said to me “A wind turbine would still be very useful for recharging the cell phones!”



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