Man Paris Hotman calls for investigation into Vina Cirebon murder

Man Paris Hotman calls for investigation into Vina Cirebon murder
Man Paris Hotman calls for investigation into Vina Cirebon murder

JAKARTA – Hotman Paris requested an investigation into Pegi Setiawan in the case of the alleged murder of Vina Cirebon and Muhammad Rizky alias Eky in 2016 in Cirebon, West Java, which was postponed in the hope of being the attention of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

“It is best that the investigation be temporarily postponed so that Mr. Jokowi seeks a neutral fact-finding team, especially criminal law experts from the university to investigate the actual facts. And once assembled later, it will be given to investigators to continue to the prosecutor’s office and the court,” Hotman told reporters at one of the cafes in Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta, Tuesday June 11.

Hotman felt that the investigation currently being carried out by the police had probably not uncovered the entire case. Because, continued Hotman, the police are currently only focusing on the suspect Pegi Setiawan.

“It is impossible to dismantle if it is only about the current investigation, the focus of which is only on Pegi. Because investigators are now only focusing on Pegi,” he said.

Additionally, the majority of those convicted in the Vina and Eky alleged murder case declared Pegi innocent. While only one person found Pegi guilty.

“One convict said Pegi is the perpetrator. Which five versus one are the cases? Logically, five declaring Pegi innocent are the same. Second, it is possible that the judge will also argue that there are two other pieces of evidence, namely Sudirman’s testimony. So it is possible that Pegi is free and not free,” he said.

Therefore, Hotman requested that this matter be fully disclosed. The results of the 2017 hearing indicated that the wanted list (DPO) stood at three people. However, Hotman said, it is now defunct and said to be fictitious.

“If this is just the main focus, then this matter will vaporize. Two DPOs were not reviewed, were not followed up like this, and will cause disappointment to the community and Vina’s family,” he said.

Hotman made sure that the opinion he delivered was not to close the case. It only temporarily delays the investigation of the case.

“So, once again, we haven’t declared this case closed, we want the case to be rolled out as a whole. It is not possible to deploy if you rely only on current investigations,” he said.

Tag: megapolitan hotman paris vina Cirebon



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